Headaches and Depression

When you consider that the general public believe that headaches are not something to complain about, "every one gets them and deals with them", and you understand further that the severity of headache pain can cause people to lose their jobs, become estranged from their loved ones, and even commit suicide, then you start to get a bearing on this terrible and widely misunderstood phenomenon called Headache, from which so many continue to suffer in silence.

Research at The Headache Clinic and elsewhere shows that severe headaches that impact upon the quality of a person's life lead to both depression and anxiety disorders. Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, feelings of worthlessness, having mental blanks, being easily fatigued, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities are common indications of such depression.

At The Headache Clinic we believe that severe headaches can cause depression and psychological problems. The Headache Clinic does not believe headaches to be any more psychosomatic than cancer, appendicitis, or HIV/Aids.

Breakthroughs at The Headache Clinic mean that 80 - 90% of all headache sufferers can be cured or have pain levels permanently reduced without the use of drugs or medication. Read the testimonials section to witness the psychological effect on patients of relief from years of debilitating pain.

Studies of large numbers of headache patients have found that mood disorders such as depression and anxiety tend to occur with greater frequency in headache sufferers than in the general population. As headaches become more frequent and more severe, the likelihood for depression also increases. Individuals with daily headache are at the highest risk for developing depression.

Experience at The Headache Clinic has shown that in patients suffering from depression, when the Headache is successfully treated, the need for anti-depressant medication is often eliminated or drastically reduced.