Cluster Headache

Also known as Suicide Headaches, Cluster Headache is reputedly the most intense pain that a human being can suffer. Women who suffer with cluster headaches report them to be significantly more painful than childbirth. Sufferers are known to bang their heads against floors or walls in an attempt to override what has been described as "absolute and unadulterated pain, awesome in its purity".

Research supported at The Headache Clinic shows that the pain results from a multiple input scenario with each patient presenting a unique set of inputs: - muscle tension, arterial pain, specifically the internal maxillary artery in many cases, to name but a few. The Headache Clinic HAS CURED and CONTINUES TO CURE patients who suffer from both episodic and chronic cluster headaches. Testimonials are available for your perusal.

The Headache Clinic also specializes in rescue treatment for headaches. In most patients, we are able to abort an attack of cluster headache without the use of pethidine or similar powerful agents. We do however keep a supply in case we ever need to use it - to date this has not been necessary.