
The major breakthroughs made by The Headache Clinic are in the areas of diagnosis and prevention of muscle tension and arterial pain components of headaches.

The Headache Clinic owns the patent rights to a revolutionary Posture Modifying Procedure, the invention of which resulted in the formation of the Headache Clinic in 1992. The posture modifying procedure is used to treat the muscle tension component of the pain and its effectiveness has gained international acclaim with the inventing doctor being awarded an Honorary Fellowship by The International College for Cranio-Mandibular Orthopaedics.

Other great breakthroughs are in the treatment and diagnosis of vascular headaches. The breakthroughs show that although headaches may have Neurological implications, they are most often treated more effectively through non-neurological solutions. The involvement of the superficial temporal, occipital, and other arteries of the scalp in headache pain has been extensively documented. Ligation of these structures in patients with vascular headache has contributed to the incredible success rates at The Headache Clinic in patients that do not respond to more conservative treatment.

The Headache Clinic uses imported computerized technology, some of which is the only of its kind in the South Africa. Equipment is sensitive enough to make a diagnosis even when the patient is not in pain.

The nature of The Headache Clinic is essentially innovative. We have one of the largest patient databases and the greatest continuing patient flows in the world. This enables us to remain at the forefront of research and breakthroughs in Headache Science.